‘Work has begun on a Hypersonic passenger
aircraft that could go further and faster than Concorde, flying from Europe to
Australia in four hours at speeds of up to 4500 mph.’
I read on but was quickly disappointed.
The aircraft, designated A2, was not expected to fly until 2040 and the
technology required to produce its hydrogen fuel in sufficient quantities doesn’t
even exist yet. What’s more it won’t be flying to the US, because the distance
isn’t great enough for it reach full speed.
Its hardly a giant leap for mankind, and
seems about as likely to be a part of my future as the Hover Car, the Rocket Pack
and the Ray Gun. Its not even going to be the first aircraft of its kind.
Over 50 years ago, in a very different
era of aviation an organisation called the National Advisory Committee for
Aeronautics (NACA) built a rocket plane which could reach speeds of 4500mph and
could climb to an altitude of 50 miles – recognised as the edge of space.

There were plans to launch the X15 as an orbital spacecraft. The programme ultimately
lost out in the race for the moon but if it had continued NASA would have had a
sophisticated, reusable aircraft that could fly into space and back - or one
that could hop from London to Sydney on a regular basis.The A2, if it ever flies, will simply
be a bigger version of the X15 that can fly further.
Then, a few days ago a similar article entitled ‘WaveRider hypersonic jet targets Mach 6’ caught my eye.
I started reading but despite its cool name this is not an aircraft in the traditional sense. Instead it’s a twenty five foot pilotless drone, that, just like the X 15 is launched from the wing of a B-52 bomber. However, unlike its manned hypersonic predecessor, it is designed to break up and fall into the Pacific Ocean at the end of its six minute flight .
According to the US Airforce the data that it collects is going to,
‘pave the way to future hypersonic weapons, hypersonic intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance, and future access to space.’
Its hard to get too get too excited though because in terms of the actual flying its all been done before only with real men at the controls.