Anyone who can remember the nineties can probably remember the news footage that came out of Bosnia, a place with a seemingly infinite capacity for violence, misery and atrocity. It always seemed to feature smoking ruins, muddy fields strewn with bodies and grief stricken villagers.
The Bosnian Garden
puts us on even more uncomfortably intimate terms with this conflict through the eyes of a former American Marine, now a mercenary with an International Brigade. As we follow him through the muddy fields and ditches, the carnage around him begins to peel away the layers to reveal his real reasons for coming here

Walsh himself served in Bosnia as a paratrooper enabling him to not only give the story wince making touches of detail but also to portray a small corner of the conflict through the thoughts of a soldier on the ground.
While we are spared little in terms of the sights, sounds and smells of a war zone the story does not revel in these things. Instead The Bosnian Garden garden is a story of redemption and forgiveness, found in the unlikeliest of places.